Saturday, December 22, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
The European Centre for Workers'Questions EZA with the financial support of the European Commission
has just published an interesting booklet with the promising title
“Europe 2020 – How to meet the 75% employment rate target in a
decent way?” (Contributions to Social dialogue 14). Not an easy
subject but the three authors Tom Vandenbrande, Michael Schwarz &
Hubert Cosey have succeeded in presenting the results of this
research project from both EZA and the Higher Institute for Labour ofthe Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) in a clear and
straightforward manner.
The authors analyze the 'Europe 2020'
policy regarding the target 75% of the 20-64 years-old to be employed
in 2020. Today a very topical issue in the EU where unemployment
rates are rising fast because of the economic crisis that followed
after the financial crisis in the Eurozone countries. To find out
what will be the employment rates in the EU in the year 2020 the
researchers used the rather simple forecasting methodology assuming
that the participation patterns of European citizens will show the
same patterns as in the decade before ( the EU Lisbon agreement 2000
– 2010). Based on this methodology it is expected that “the
employment rate will rise very moderately between 2010 and 2020 to
achieve an employment rate close to 70% in 2020.”
The authors expect “that two elements
are in favor of the employment target set by the European Commission
for the next decade.” First of all, our forecast is encouraging for
European policymakers, as the number of countries within target would
increase from 5 to 6 countries and 8 other countries come close to
the target in exercise. The number of countries with an employment
rate of more than 10% below target would be reduced from eleven to
six countries. Secondly, the opportunity given by the European
Commission to translate the 75% target into national targets has been
inspiring and possibly motivating individual Member States to work
out a feasible national strategy with regard to employment rate
progress.” (page 16 – 18)
The most important issue however is how
to reach this employment rate of 75%? On this point the authors make
some critical observations on the recipes offered by the European
Commission. The European policy makers suggest 3 paths in the quest
for more employment:
1. Reducing the cost of labour by
reducing social security contributions, flexibility in entry wage
setting, a wider use of in-work benefits..
2.Attract inactive people to the labour
market: enhance greater internal flexibility, flex-time, extend
day-care facilities, link unemployment benefits to training/job
search etc...
3. Education and training:
responsiveness of training to the labour market, support targeted
Regarding the number one proposal, that
is to reduce labour costs, the authors come to a remarkable
conclusion after analyzing EU labour statistics: “there
is no strong relation between reducing the labour cost and a positive
evolution of the employment rate in European Member States.” (page
21) This means that the idea of the European policymakers that work
will become attractive for employers by reducing labour costs does
not work so well. Therefore the authors propose an alternative way
which is to make work more attractive for workers by ensuring decent
jobs. “As workers have the prospect of a high-quality job, the
reward of working time is bigger than the reward of free time, and
more people will be motivated to invest their time in a job. So,
raising the job quality will be positively linked to more workers and
a higher employment rate.” (page 23)
This positive relationship between job
quality and employment rate should be supported firstly by raising
the human capital of workers. “Investment in training and learning
opportunities increases individual productivity, but also the
productivity of co-workers through spill-over effects. Secondly,
workers' security induces economic growth. Elements such as job
protection, safe working conditions, fair wages, and access to social
protection may also increase productivity and participation, and
therefore favor growth and labour supply. In addition, many security
mechanisms work as automatic stabilizers, which are particularly
helpful during economic downturns. “ (page 23-24)
Following these conclusions the authors
look for ways how to make work attractive as an alternative way for
creating more employment. The result is a list of elements that
define work quality: work autonomy, work intensity, physical risk
exposure, psychological risk exposure, level of team autonomy,
meaningfulness of work, wages and social benefits, suitable working
times, job security, skills development, career opportunities, voice.
Because of the foregoing it is not a
surprise that the authors propose the development of a 'decent
employment rate' that in the future will accompany the employment
rate that is “calculated by dividing the number of people working
in decent employment by the total population.” (page 49)
They call the unions “to promote
actively the economic and social advantages for employers and
employees that emerge through the introduction of good work quality
policies... Workers' organizations should also insist that good
practice examples from European countries are, where applicable,
considered, promoted and possibly adopted by other Member States.”
(page 50)
Friday, December 14, 2012
In the night of 21 on
13 December, after fourteen hours of meeting of the European Council
of the Ministers of Finance of the 27 European Union members, a
compromise was reached on a European banking supervisor. Such a
supervisor is needed because since 2008 many banks have been rescued
by their governments. One of the main lessons of the credit crisis is
that dozens of banks are to big to fail. The financial obligations of
these banks are so significant that a bankruptcy threatens the entire
financial system. If such a 'banking system' threatens to capsize,
the government always must help. In recent years a number of
governments (Spain and Ireland) have pumped so much money in their
banks that they themselves have entered in payment problems. The
European debt crisis was born.That is why the European governments
now want to create a system for an orderly and timely remediation of
unhealthy banks. This should prevent governments te be faced again
with emergency situations in which they have no other choice than to
put money into a bank. As a first step in June the European
Government leaders decided that the European Central Bank (ECB) will
be the European banking supervisor.
The principle agreement
is that in the European Banking Union, the 200 European Banks with
more than € 30 billion on their balance sheets (the so called
'systemic banks' that are to big to fail) and the banks receiving
financial support from the state will be supervised by the European
Central Bank ECB (Frankfurt, Germany). De non-euro countries Great
Britain with London as a financial world centre, Sweden and the
Czech Republic decided not to participate. All other non-euro
countries are expected to participate in the EBC supervising system.
All the involved banks together will guarantee each others savings
and there will be a common procedure in case a bank is going to fall.
The ultimate goal is that the taxpayers don't pay anymore for the
rescue of a bank.
The € 30 billion
limit is the result of a compromise between Germany and France. The
latter wanted together with the European Parliament and the European
Commission that all 6000 European banks would be controlled by the
ECB. However, Germany did not want to put at risk the financial
reserves of the about 1600 local and regional Landes- and
Volksbanken. These smaller banks with their many financial reserves
are influenced by local and regional authorities. It would be
difficult for Federal Chancellor Agela Merkel to confront on gthis
matter these local and regional politicians before elections in
september 2013.
The main supervisor is
thus the European Central Bank. This requires, however, the
Convention for the ECB to be adjusted to make sure separation between
the 'prudential supervision' on the health of the banks, and the
"monetary control 'on the financial stability of the eurozone
economy. The ECB in Frankfurt should hire a lot of new employees in
order to perform the monitoring.
Another important
measure is that at the moment the ECB indicates that the supervising
system is working the so called European emergency fund EMS (European
Stability Mechanism) can be authorised to give loans to banks without
influencing the public debt of the country.
German Chancellor
Angela Merkel called the agreement invaluable. "We will have a
clear separation between the responsibilities for monetary policy and
banking supervision." However, some critics are concerned that
the political independence of the monitoring of the banks is not
sufficiently guaranteed. They point to the need for proper procedures
for this to ensure. The Cypriot Minister of Finance Vassos Shiarly
Shiarly spoke of the agreement as a Christmas present for all of
Europe. "According to him, the overall objective of the Bank
agrees to restore confidence in the sector, he added.
Monday, December 3, 2012
For my international trade union work I have visited Bangladesh, which once included also a visit to various jute factories. These were state-owned enterprises in decline because demand for jute was becoming lower and lower as a result of the growing use of for example plastic shopping bags.De working conditions were terrible, especially compared to those common in Europe. The local unions did their best but even in these state enterprises they could not change much. Women and children sat working on the oil contaminated floor. There were no decent bathrooms so workers -women and men alike – pooped and peed in the gutters along the outdoor walls of the factories. No pleasant sight.
These days once again there was a huge fire in a textile factory in which 122 people were killed. That were so many deaths that the disaster reached the international press and TV news worldwide. A trade union colleague in Bangladesh has send me some newspaper clippings with photographs. As you can read on the frontpage of the Daily Star since 1990 there have been no less than 33 major fires with a total of 500 deaths. You can read also that the day after the big fire in the Ashulia textile factory there was another fire in another factory, but fortunately without casualties. (See the clipping at the end of the article).
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Today in
Europe unemployment is becoming a very serious problem not only in
debt ridden countries as Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland but also
in the other EU countries. Unemployment is a consequence of non- or
negative economic growth and that is what happens today in most of
the EU countries. Even Germany, having the strongest economy in the
EU, is running the risk to enter in the dangerous area of non –
economic growth. The question now is how to restore economic growth
in the Eurozone?
What is
most needed for economic growth is money or to say it more
professional capital. Capital to invest in an economic activity that
will generate jobs like a textile mill or a TV set factory. But what
to do when there is no capital available to invest in one or another
economic activity because money is needed for the payment of debts of
many Eurozone countries? Besides, because of these debts many private
investors dare not to invest in those countries. How to escape from
this vicious circle of debts and frightened investors?
After a
lot of European political quarreling special emergency funds were
created to help over indebted countries like Greece, Ireland and
Portugal with extra money because the markets are closed to them
because of to high interests. Private investors don't want to take
the risk to loose their money in a country that is over indebted. But
this emergency money only serves to keep the government going on, it
is not creating jobs and production. It is dead money.
way out could be the devaluation of the Euro to make products on the
international market cheaper which will probably give a boost to the
sales of these products and so production together with jobs will go
up. But in the case of the Eurozone most exports go between the Euro
countries themselves so benefits from devaluation will be low. The
countries that export more to the global market like Germany are at
the same time the strongest economies. They don't need a lower priced
Euro. May be France and Italy will benefit somewhat from a lower
priced Euro but the question is how much, especially when they don' t
reform the labor market like Germany.
possibility is that the European Central bank starts to print money.
In fact this is to a certain extent already happening by buying bonds
from indebted countries through the European Central Bank. But this
measure is meant to maintain international confidence in the Euro not
to restart the economy. For that purpose much more money should be
printed with the great risk of a sky-high inflation in the near
future. Some economists belief this is the only option left for the
Eurozone but because of its pre Second World War experiences Germany
is absolutely against it. On the other side inflation is in fact a by
the state organized way of social theft hurting most the weakest
people in society like the unemployed and the retired people. They
are the real victims of money with lower purchasing power.
European Trade Union Confederation beliefs that the best way for the
Eurozone to get economies growing again with the aim to create
employment is major steps towards a more united Europe. They propose
the creation of Eurobonds guaranteed by the European Central Bank.
These bonds will provide fresh money to invest in the so-called green
economy (electric cars, windmills, solar energy etc.) with the aim to
create new jobs. However, there are some questions to answer. Are
those Eurobonds trustworthy while they are also guaranteed by some
countries with still a lot of debts? Are governments capable to
invest money efficient and productive in these areas or will a lot of
money be lost in inefficient bureaucratic control systems or even
worse go to projects which at the end have no real economic future?
In that case the Eurozone has only created a new debt burden.
policy proposed by the European Commission and supported by for
example Germany are social and economic reforms on the labor market
and the social security system. This kind of reforms does not
activate economies and create jobs immediately. The big issue however
is that these reforms are affecting long ago acquired social rights
and that is what trade unions don't like. They insist that these
reforms (working longer, more flexibility on the labor market, lower
and shorter unemployment payment etc.) do not work and on the
contrary will create new poverty. It will also affect the internal
consumer market which means another setback for the economy. On the
other side without these reforms together with education, technical
innovation etc. Europe will lose competitiveness on the global market
and without a global market Europe will loose part of its wealth.
While the
trade unions look for solutions without losing the acquired social
rights and stimulating the economic growth with public money to
create new jobs, the European Commission and the Nordic European
countries are looking for strong reforms on the labor market combined
with lowering the debt burden by increasing the retirement age,
making the labor market more flexible which means lower salaries and
lowering unemployment benefits in time and amount. The next months
will make clear who will win the game or will there be no winners at
Friday, November 23, 2012
November is a true European crisis month.
It started on November 14 with a day of action of the ETUC. In different
capitals in the European Union strikes were held, demonstrations and
manifestations against the austerity measures. For the occasion, the ETUC has issued a statement:
“The European trade union movement has
for years been denouncing austerity measures. They are dragging Europe into
economic stagnation and even recession. The result is that growth has stalled
and unemployment continues to rise. Wages and social protection cuts are
attacks against the European social model and increase inequality and social
injustice. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s «miscalculations» have had
an unbearable impact on the daily life of European workers and citizens. It
brings into question the whole basis of austerity policy. The IMF must
apologize. The Troika must revise its demands. Europe has a social debt, not
just a monetary debt. The promised recovery has not happened. Twenty-five
Europeans are out of jobs. In some
countries, the unemployment rate for young people is over 50 per cent. The
sense of injustice is widespread and social discontent is growing. We want
action for sustainable growth and jobs. Not just words. The social situation is
The ETUC proposes:
* Economic governance at the service of
sustainable growth and quality jobs,
* Economic and social justice through
redistribution policies, taxation
and social protection,
* Employment guarantees for young
* An ambitious European industrial
policy steered towards a green,
low-carbon economy and forward-looking
sectors with employment
opportunities and growth,
* A more intense fight against social
and wage dumping,
* Pooling of debt through Euro-bonds,
* Effective implementation of a
financial transaction tax to tackle
speculation and enable investment
* Harmonisation of the tax base with a
minimum rate for companies
across Europe,
* A determined effort to fight tax
evasion and fraud,
* Respect for collective bargaining and
social dialogue,
* Respect for fundamental social and
trade union rights.
However, these proposals are still far away
to be accepted. The Nordic European countries are resolutely opposed to the
pooling of debt through Eurobonds. Great Britain rejects the idea of financial
transaction tax as an intent to destroy London city as world financial centre.
London city accounts for about 9% of the British gross national product.
In the meantime the so-called Greek debts
crisis continues its own story. This month Greece needs another credit of € 44 billion to keep its national
economy going on. However, IMF and the EU don’t agree about the next steps. One
agrees that the given time is too short for the reduction of the Greek debt to
120% of GDP. Therefore Europe is prepared to give Greece more time but this
means extra money. Who has to pay
this? The IMF wants no more delays and calls for further debt cancellation. The
European politicians find this unacceptable because, as they say, their voters
do not want to spend a penny more on Greece.
The story continued Thursday 22 November
with a strike of several thousand European officials. They don’t agree with the
impending cuts in the EU budget 2014-2020. The officials are worried that the
result will be a severe reduction of their wages. The unions point out that the
cost of Europe for its citizens
amounts to only 67 cents per day
while only 3% of the EU budget goes to salaries. According to the unions there
has been savings since 2004 for an amount of € 3 billion. Another 5% will be saved from now until 2020.
The public has difficulties to take serious the strike of the European
officials because they earn a lot compared to the officials in most European countries,
while at the same time they pay only about 12% tax.
This week, European leaders negotiate the
aforementioned European multiannual budget. Until now one could not agree on
the budget increase to about €1000 billion. Net fee payers to Europe such as
England, Denmark and the Netherlands are opposed. England and Denmark have
already threatened a veto. The countries that receive more from Europe than
they pay as fee want a budget increase. One wonders what will be the outcome.
If the budget does not increase, Europe
will not be able to stimulate economic growth. As we know now this means
another defeat for the ETUC that wants Europe to stimulate economic growth more
than before.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Since 2010, the ECLAC proposes to the Latin American governments
equality as a guiding principle and strategic long-term goal of their policy.
In 2012, during a meeting in El Salvador ECLAC's executive secretary Alicia
Barcena reaffirmed this proposal with the report “Structural Change for Equality: An Integrated Approach to Development” ( July 2012, 307 pages ).
So far, Latin America failed to link social equality to economic growth.
On the one hand there is Cuba, with its high degree of social equality which
due to lack of economic growth in practice amounts to an equal distribution of
poverty. On the other hand, there are countries with a neo-liberal model that
have economic growth but that is very unevenly distributed. The vast majority
of people have to live of an income coming from the informal economy or from precarious
With its report on 'Structural Change for Equality " the ECLAC
takes the challenge to find a way between the two extremes, between state
capitalism and market capitalism and of course with the complete preservation
of democratic values. It is the way that Europe attempts to continue to this
day despite the debt crisis. The heart of this model is politically supported
by political parties with different colors like social democrats, Christian
democrats, social liberals and nowadays even with the support of green parties.
According to the ECLAC the road between neo-liberalism and socialism
runs along structural change. A broad term that describes ECLAC as “putting
qualitative changes in the production structure at the centre of the growth
dynamic.” (page 16 preface). These qualitative changes in the production
structure according to ECLAC are also needed to respond to the challenges of
globalization: “Improved global insertion and virtuous growth in domestic
productivity and employment call for greater participation by
knowledge-intensive sectors in overall production. This fosters the building of
capacities, knowledge and learning in coordination with production and
investment across the economy and the social fabric. In this scenario, environmental
sustainability will be achieved only if there is structural change entailing a
profound and inclusive technological transformation.” (Preface page 16)
Not an easy task when one considers that even traditionally well
organized European states like for example Germany and France are struggling to
achieve some of the proposed elements of the ECLAC proposal like for example
more technological innovation in the production process. ECLAC points out,
however, that the macro-economic conditions in many Latin American countries
are now better than in Europe because of their small size of the national debt
and increased international reserves.
According to ECLAC, the structural changes lead to a more knowledge
intensive production structure with higher labor standards and employment.
Employment is considered as the instrument to achieve a greater equality in
Latin American society: “Employment with full rights holds the master key to
equality; and that must come with social policies to tackle the risks on the
road to structural change. Industrial policy is a long-term venture; along the
way, sector adjustment pressures arising from productivity leaps call for
social policies to ensure a well-being threshold for those who cannot, in the
early stages, attain wellbeing through quality employment with rights.”
(Preface page 17).
The ECLAC therefore advocates a greater role for the state: “ This obviously
involves political will, because the State has a key role to play in advancing
policies in this sphere. It is worth remembering that during the past two
decades, talking about active industrial policy conducted by the State was a
virtual anathema in the development lexicon that prevailed under the Washington
Consensus. Talking about equality was, too. Underlying that “veto “ was the
assumption that the market, supported by the right signals, would take care of
optimizing factor allocation in a way that would in the end lead to
productivity leaps. Experience has clearly shown that this is not the case,
especially when looking at the poor productivity trends for Latin America and
the Caribbean over the past 30 years.” (Preface page 17)
As already noted, no small task for states that are still looking for
the development model that best suits them and gives the best guarantees for
more welfare. What should be the task of the unions in this process is
obviously not the ECLAC to determine. The Latin American unions themselves have
the task to establish a proper policy and strategy. Perhaps this is an
appropriate topic for a Latin American seminar in the near future.
Friday, November 9, 2012
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Participants at the KGZE Conference 2012 with on the second row on the right EO/WOW President Guenther Trausnitz. |
From June 21-24 the KGZE Conference on
trade union cooperation in Europe was held in the city of Brünn, Czech
Republic. The theme of the conference was "Europe and the debt
crisis". 58 participants from 15 countries discussed the implications of
the state debts for the social system and the labour market. The debt crisis
has become a crucial test for the EU. The economic performance of individual
European countries has diminished significantly and the number of unemployed
rises fast (10,6% or about 25 million persons). In particular young people are
facing a lack of jobs and therefore future prospects. Despite the fact that
young people are educated and willing to work, some states struggle with youth
unemployment of 50% or more.
Austerity programs lead to massive
impoverishment of broad sections of the population. With confidence in politics
decreasing, purchasing power declining and fewer investments, Europe seems to
slide deeper and deeper into crisis.
By bursting the economic bubble the
European Monetary Union was plunged into a structural crisis. With the European
fiscal pact or officially called the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and
Governance in the Economic - and Monetary Union, the EU wants to counterattack
the crisis. The aim is a common budget, a common fiscal policy, a common
guarantee for the debt of the countries of the EU. Together with the European
Economic - and Monetary Union the fiscal pact would complete the European
Economic Area.
It's not enough to provide permanently
money for an ailing area without measures to initiate recovery. The financial
and banking sector must be reformed with clear and transparent rules so that
speculative excesses and dubious practices will be stopped. How appropriate the
bailout of the Banks may have been, downsizing the financial and banking sector
is essential.
1. A strict separation between commercial and investment banking must
be made. The risk must be clearly visible and if necessary restricted.
2. Accounting rules should be more transparent and rigorous.
3. A meaningful insolvency law for banks must be introduced. It must be
ensured that banks can be "handled" without putting states under
financial stress.
4. In the long term, the financial sector should pay back the money
that has been spent by the State in order to overcome the crisis.
5. If banks are supported, the state or the international community
should exercise relevant owner rights.
6. Total assets should not exceed certain limits related to the GDP.
These are the main requirements for a new
regulatory framework, which brings back the financial and banking system to its
original function as savings and loan system.
Source: INITIATIVE, 37 JHG, NR. 165.
Informationsblatt der Fraktion Christlicher GewerkschafterInnen in der Gewerkschaft der
Privatangestellten, Druck, Journalismus, Papier. Austria
Saturday, November 3, 2012
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Workers at Ford Genk after having received the message that the plant will be closed. |
Once again, a car plant in Belgium will be
closed. This time it's the Ford plant in Genk, where 4500 workers will lose
their jobs. Most probably, the same amount of jobs will be lost at the
suppliers. In total, approximately ten thousand people are threatened with
unemployment. Since 1997 it is the fourth major car brand that closes its plant
in Belgium. In that year, workers, trade unions and politicians were surprised
by the closure of the Renault Factory. More than 3000 workers lost their jobs.
The decision to shut down was taken in France. Belgium had no other options
than to accept it.
The result of this abrupt closure was the
creation of ‘the Renault law’ that tightened the rules on collective
redundancies. The Work’s Council should be informed extensively on plans to
close the factory. Thereafter, the Work’s Council can forward questions and
only after this the company can submit a plan for collective redundancies. The
law did not prevent the closure of the Renault factory and will have no impact
on the proposed closure of the Ford plants, it only helps unions and workers to
get a more or less fair financial compensation for the loss of jobs.
In 2006, in Germany the decision was made
that the Volkswagen plant in Brussels would be heavily restructured. Of the
more than 5000 workers about 4000 lost their jobs while as many jobs were lost
in subcontracting. The production of the Volkswagen Golf was moved to Germany.
Thanks to the German car manufacturer Audi 1000 jobs could be saved by the
production of a small car in the same plant. According to the newspapers the
paid compensation for dismissal was "historically high". Approximately 900 workers received
early retirement payment with help of the government. AUDI demanded a 20% saving
on the costs of production for which the remaining workers primarily had to
accept a longer working week (38 hours instead of 35).
In 2010, the Opel plant of General Motors
in Antwerp was closed. This meant a loss of 2600 jobs plus probably as many jobs
at suppliers. According to the GM management sales of cars had dropped since
the start of the credit crisis in 2008. Only the GM plant in Belgium was closed, not the ones in Germany, England, Poland and Spain. It is supposed that to maintain
employment the governments of these countries had given financial support to
GM. According to the unions, the crisis was also used to transfer production
capacity to a lower wage country like South Korea.
The argument of overcapacity in car
production and to high wages is now also being used by the management of Ford
for the closure of the plant in Genk. Specialists confirm that there exists
indeed a structural overcapacity in the production of cars in Europe but Ford
itself is not suffering from this problem. The company suffers nowadays from
cyclical overcapacity in Europe caused by the credit crisis. Car sales have
been fallen by one quarter. But Ford as a multinational is still making profit
in the US because it has been restructuring on time and unlike other car
manufacturers such as Renault, has made flexible the production of many car
components by way of outsourcing to suppliers.
Ford has announced that part of its car
production will move to Valencia, Spain where wages are lower than in Belgium.
The strong unions in Belgium are preparing for hard bargaining on the coming
collective redundancies in 2014. A maximum compensation of 77,000 euros per
worker, depending on the number of years that he or she has worked, has been
mentioned. However, the compensation payment will not compensate the loss of
thousands of jobs, especially not if we take in consideration the loss of jobs at suppliers.
The Belgium experience shows that unions
(including European and international unions), national politics and even the
European Union are rather helpless when they are confronted with the closure of
a plant belonging to a multinational with the size like Ford. Besides the
closure of plants of Renault (France)
and Volkswagen (Germany) in the heart of Belgium has made clear that the
country of origin supports the opportunistic move of the multinational to save
jobs in their own country.
In general one can conclude that large
multinationals operate on a global market and that there is no national
government or in this case the
European Union that can change decisions taken at the board of such a
multinational. Besides, international unions are confronted with different
loyalties of their member unions. Which union would support the closing of a
plant in its own country because of solidarity with workers of a plant in
another country especially when unemployment is on a high level?
The last 15 years the Flemish part of
Belgium has lost tens of thousands jobs in the automotive industry. The country
has to design a new industrial policy. In which sectors new jobs can be
created, who wants to invest money in such sectors, what level of education is
needed etc.? These are long-term
issues that politicians, employers and trade unions have to prepare for today
or was it yesterday?
Thursday, October 25, 2012
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Lima, casual street portraits, 2011 (Petrus) |
Beginning of the
month of October trade union
leaders of Europe, Colombia and Peru reaffirmed their opposition to the draft
EU-Colombia-Peru Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in meetings with key Members of the
European Parliament and officials of the European Commission.
“The international
trade union movement is united in this call for a vote against the FTA. To do
otherwise would disregard the appalling human rights record in Colombia and
continued labour violations in Peru and would damage the EU’s reputation as a
leading force in the promotion of human rights and basic freedoms”, states a
joint letter sent to MEPs ahead of the EP’s decision on the FTA.
The EP is set to vote
on the ratification of the FTA before Christmas.”
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Loma, casual street portraits, 2011 (Petrus) |
Dear Members of the
European Parliament,
In the forthcoming
weeks, you will have the opportunity to vote on the EU Free Trade Agreement
(FTA) with Colombia and Peru. We, the workers and trade unions of the European
Union and Latin America, reiterate our opposition to this FTA.
Furthermore, we call
on the members of the EP’s international trade committee to ensure that the
EP’s strong demand for a binding
action plan on human rights, labour law and environmental protection is
respected, as agreed in June 2012.
To date, neither the EU nor the governments of Colombia and Peru have
put forward a plan, let alone one that satisfies
the benchmarks
clearly established in the resolution.
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Lima, casual street portraits 2011 (Petrus) |
The violation of
fundamental rights remains a fact of life for many Colombian workers. The adoption of the US-Colombia Labour
Action Plan, linked to the US-Colombia FTA, required some important legal and
administrative changes, but unfortunately did not require proof of
progress in practice before the
implementation of the agreement. Thus, the reality on the ground for Colombian workers remains wholly unacceptable. Union leaders and activists continue to be assassinated, threatened, and
intimidated, and perpetrators
continue to enjoy almost
complete impunity despite the widespread and intense international attention.
laws continue to be
violated. Many workers throughout the economy still find themselves working
under sham employment relationships, from cooperatives to newly-created
schemes, despite changes in legislation and a promise to make this a priority
area for labour inspection. Similarly, workers find themselves labouring under
employer imposed pacts meant to weaken
or eliminate the
union. As a result, workers face a major obstacle to the exercise of freedom of
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Lima, casual street portraits 2011 (Petrus) |
This, together with
the continued violence, has led to a continued decline in
unionization in
We note too that
trade unionists in Peru also face hurdles in law and in practice to the free
exercise of their rights.
Anti-union dismissals, the disregard for collective agreements and
bargaining rights, and union busting in the private sector continued to be
common practices. Workers in agribusiness, who are most frequently
subcontracted and temporary workers, are among the worst treated.
This reality shows
the importance of legally binding commitments to improve labour and human
rights. However, these are absent from the FTA and its Sustainable Development
Chapter, which is not subject to a meaningful dispute settlement procedure, as
provided for
the commercial
provisions of the FTA.
The international
trade union movement is united in this call for a vote against the FTA. To do
otherwise would disregard the appalling human rights record in Colombia and
continued labour violations in Peru
and would damage the EU’s reputation as a leading force in the promotion
of human rights and basic freedoms.
Yours sincerely,
Bernadette Segol, General
Secretary ETUC
Sharan Burrow,
General Secretary ITUC
Victor Baez Mosquera,
Secretario General CSA/TUCA
Meter Waldorff,
General Secretary of Public Services Internacional and
Chair of the Council of Global Unions
Source: ETUC
Friday, October 19, 2012
Do the state of Colombia and the FARC
really want peace? For the State of Colombia that depends above all from the
army that is winning the war against the FARC and at the same time is gaining a
lot. I believe that the Colombian army is the best-trained and best-armed army
of Latin America. Thanks to the USA. They always have supported the Colombian
army with know how, special training and weapons especially when the FARC
developed into a narco-terrorist brigade.
A few years ago the Venezuelan president
Chavez tried to use the FARC for its own political purpose: to show his anti-americanism and solidarity
with a leftist struggle, to become a peacemaker and to put Colombia under attack.
The USA inmediately expanded their military bases in Colombia. After having
sought advice from his generals, president Chavez had to back down. The
Colombian army is too strong for the Venezuelan army.
Has the Colombian Government control over
their military? I do not know, but you can say that the Americans have. If they
want peace in Colombia they will force the Colombian military to follow that
path. We can expect from US president Obama that he wants peace. If
presidential candidate Romney also wants peace in Colombia is more difficult to
say. Maybe he prefers to go on with the war, with the advantage that the
Colombian army remains alert and the Venezuelan president Chavez can be kept in
Does the FARC want peace? It is generally
assumed that they want so because they have become military weak and lost a lot
of their leaders. However, there is still plenty of jungle in Colombia to
continue guerrilla warfare. Indeed, it will be difficult for FARC to get new
weapons but even with fewer weapons you can continue to control the peasants,
the coca production and the marketing of coca and at the same time make life
difficult for the Colombian army. But the FARC is internationally more isolated
than ever. Its closest friend Cuba is now too poor to do anything of
importance. On the contrary Cuba needs Venezuelan oil to survive so it is not in
favour of political and/or military adventures.
Maybe the goal of these peace negotiations
for FARC is to break through their international isolation? What we have seen
so far from the FARC is a lot of show. Suddenly the FARC is talking about
social justice for peasants while for years they forced peasants to produce
drugs, forced their sons to enter in the FARC and massacred villagers who did
not wish to cooperate with them.
According to the FARC peace will come when the Colombian government will
distribute land to the peasants. As if that will be a solution to rural
poverty. How do these poor farmers get the necessary agricultural knowledge,
good seeds, financial credits, agricultural techniques, fertilizers and other
necessary products, transport and marketing of their crops, etc.? Such projects
require decades and FARC knows. Why else they themselves did never start such
reforms in their controlled areas? But with the peace negotiations, they get
the chance polishing their image of drugs gang into revolutionaries with a
noble causes like social justice for poor farmers.
Friday, October 12, 2012
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The WOW World Congress was held in Vancouver, Canada from 11 to 14 September. |
Since the fall of the wall in Berlin that
came together with the failure of communism, capitalism reigns worldwide. US
President Reagan (1981 – 1989) and British Prime Minister Thatcher (1979 –
1990) supported the development
by a policy of liberalization of labor and capital. The new capitalistic game
resulted in more shareholder value and less workers value. Since those days it
was all talking about ‘shareholder value’ which meant that shareholders should
get as much as possible money out of their investments in companies even at the
expense of the workers in those companies.
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Roel Rotshuizen (left) was releceted as President of WOW. Maria Eminenti (right) representing the Asian Brotherhood of Workers ABCW, presides one of the sessions of the Congress. |
Globalisation pushed workers even further
to the edge. Capital moved to all corners of the world looking for more money
value. Companies moved to low wage countries. Workers had to accept lower wages
or else would loose their jobs.
The emergence of China as world’s greatest
factory with its nearly unlimited labor reserves undermined the positions of
worker’s worldwide even further. Chinese workers are organized in unions
controlled by the communist government. Because of lack of freedom they have no
other option than to accept labor conditions as established by their
government: low wages and poor working conditions. But on a day Chinese workers
will start to fight for their social rights. Nobody knows when, but someday it
will happen.
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Guenther Trausnitz, president of the WOW European Organization WOW/EO, was reelected as WOW Vice President. |
It is clear that the world of labor has
been pushed onto the defensive. What should be the answer of the free trade
unions? Fight back, but how? We cannot go back to the past. We as unions have
the task to develop a new vision for the future. What should be the basis of
this new vision?
We in WOW believe that our values as
established in the past, can be of use today if we have the courage to reconsider
them and to analyse reality with an open mind. That is what we did on the WOW
World Congress held in Vancouver Canada, from 11 until 14th of September. We
went back to our roots for the sake of the future of our unions.
One of the results of the Congress was the
adoption of the ‘Resolution on Workers’ Values’
1. The World Congress of the WOW gathered in Vancouver, Canada from September 12 to
14 concluded that “Workers’ Values” should be the guiding principle of
economic and social affairs in the world.
2. Workers’ Values are based on the principle that the economy should
benefit mankind and that all human-beings deserve to be treated with dignity
and respect regardless of their religion, race or sex.
3. Workers’ Values stand for ways to solve problems and conflict in the
workplace, in the company or elsewhere by way of dialogue and cooperation bases
on mutual respect and interest.
4. Workers’ Values mean that every worker has the right to work and
live with dignity and take his/her responsibilities on all levels of his/her
life, be it in the workplace, his/her family as well as social life in the
broad sense of the word.
5. Workers’ Values should be the guiding principle to all collective
agreements and their stakeholders.
6. Workers’ Values include fairness, social justice, solidarity and
transparency at every level of the society, from workplace to company, from
community to nation-state and as well as on the international levels.
7. Workers’ Values demand for transparent, open and democratic
leadership on all levels of the society.
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Dick Heinen, Executive Director of the Canadian CLAC was our host. He was elected as Vice President of WOW and as such he became a member of the WOW Worldboard. |
Our task as unions is to make these
‘utopian values’ reality by developing an international, regional, national of
local trade union strategy. Therefore we have to develop strong democratic
unions as instruments to create the human world we want. Not easy but a
honorable task.
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