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Effligies of Angela Merkel and Nikos Anastadiasis on display at a carnival in Limasssol, Cyprus |
The following article comes from the
website EUROPRESS.
On this site you can read the article in its original Spanish text as
well as many other languages.
The aid plan launched by the Eurogroup
in return for a tax levied on Cyprian bank deposits has provoked
violent reactions. Germany is often accused of wanting to punish a
struggling country. However, it’s not the Chancellor who is to
blame for the mistakes of the island, writes an economist.
By John Müller
In this latest crisis hitting the euro,
it’s not the Cypriots who are at fault; it’s Angela Merkel and
her government – don’t waste time looking for other explanations.
It’s not the fault of a bloated banking sector that holds €128bn
in assets in a country with a GDP of €17bn – it’s Merkel who
did it.
Don’t blame those banks that, as the
German secret service warned in November, opened their vaults to
€21bn from Russian Oligarchs without looking too closely and
accepted – no questions asked – a few other thick wads from Arab
millionaires (from fortunes that are hard to justify). The banks
practice International Personal Banking and "tax optimisation";
Merkel, in contrast, labours under a Protestant sense of morality.
It’s not even the fault of the money
managers who put 50 per cent of their money – that’s right, 50
per cent – into Greek bonds, purely out of patriotism (Cyprus is
half Greek), even though they knew that they risked losing it all.
No, that’s Merkel’s fault.
Christofias's crisis
It’s certainly not the fault of
Sigmar Gabriel, the agreeable German Social Democrat leader, who cut
off all lines of retreat for the Chancellor: "I cannot imagine
the German taxpayer bailing out Cypriot banks whose business model is
based on allowing tax evasion." The entire blame, of course,
falls on Merkel.
Nor is it the fault of the pathetic
ex-President of Cyprus, the communist Dimitris Christofias, an
autocrat formed in the Soviet Komsomol (perhaps the reason why there
are so many Russian bank accounts in Cyprus), who was not in the
habit of consulting his ministers, the parliament or the central
The Guardian, a newspaper that cannot
be suspected of ill will, accused him in December of leading the
country into "a sorry state." Christofias was the one who
decided in 2011 to keep in Limassol harbour the ship carrying
explosives to Hezbollah, which then blew up and took out the only
power plant in the country. He also supported the president of one of
the two big banks, the Marfin Laiki, when it decided to shift its
headquarters to Greece despite opposition from the central bank of
Cyprus. His last act of foolishness was refusing to allow
negotiations on the merger of the Marfin Egnatia Bank of Greece with
the Laiki Bank of Cyprus when the famous offshoring to Greece was
decided on, a move that cost Cyprus €4bn in assumed liabilities.
With that, this economic genius sank his country. But no – it’s
all Merkel’s fault.
Weak leader
Nor does it appear that his brand-new
successor, Nicos Anastasiadis, a weak leader playing the game of
‘blame Europe for what I have to do,’ should shoulder any
responsibility at all. Anastasiadis props himself up on half-truths
to plunder the deposits of the Cypriots instead of starting with
sending a bill to the shareholders and creditors of the banks. But of
course, that would end the cushy financial system that they have
built up and that they expect to continue to live off. Schäuble
reminded him yesterday that the idea of robbing depositors didn’t
come from Germany. But no. It’s all Merkel’s fault.
And it’s Merkel fault, too, for
allowing Anastadiadis to toy with the prestige of the Eurozone, as
Papandreou did before him. And because four years ago she didn’t
stand firm and veto Cyprus’s entry into the eurozone. Because she
let herself be fooled by the certification of the OECD that Cyprus
had met 40 EU directives against money-laundering. And, in passing,
it’s also the fault of Christine Lagarde, of the IMF, which
supported it. Do you recall who it was who handed the Greek minister
the list of tax evaders, the one that got lost? As if Lagarde knew
nothing about the state of the Cypriot banking sector! But no. It’s
all Merkel’s fault. And it had better be her fault, because any
other theory will leave us standing naked before our own
Translated from the Spanish by Anton
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