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Mr. Assane Diop talking with WOW president Roel Rotshuizen at his ILO office during the ILO Conference in 2008. Mr. Diop is now one of the candiadtes for the post of ILO Director-General. |
As I already anounced in my blog "Dutch candidate for the post of ILO Director" on May 28 the ILO Governing body will elect a new Director-General of the ILO. Besides Ad Melkert, former Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, Associate Administrator and UNDP and Special representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, there are 8 other candidates. Below you find some short information on each candidate. Please consult the ILO site for more in formation on the candidates.
There is one candidate from Latin America. The Colombian Government presented its vice-president Angelino Garzon.
There is also one candidate from the Asian continent. The Malaysian Government presented Jomo Kwame Sundaram, former Assistant Secretary - General for Economic Development in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
The African continent presented three candidates.
Mr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki was presented by the Government of Niger. He has been the Executive Secretary of the Planning and Coordination Agency of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD agency), an African organ established in Johannesburg.
Mr Assane Diop was presented by the Government of Senegal. He is the Executive Director of the ILO Social Protection Sector.
The Government of Benin has presented Mr. Charles Dan, who is ILO Assistant Director - General, Regional Director for Africa.
Besides the Dutch candidate Ad Melkert there are three other European candidates.
The French Government presented Ambassador and Former Minister Mr. Gilles de Robien.
The Swedish Government presented Ms. Mona Sahlin, former Party chair of the Social Democratic Party and Member of Parliament.
Mr. Guy Rider, responsable for International Labour Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and former Secretary General of the ITUC, was presented by Mr. Michael Sommer and Mr. Luc Cortebeeck, Worker members of the ILO Governing Body.
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