Just for the record it is good to
remember the analysis made by Emilio Màspero on the relations between
Latin American and North American trade unions based on social
christian values. Màspero analyzed without any complex of inferiority
and without blaming only the US of everything what is going wrong in
Latin America. On the contrary, he looked for a common analysis based
on common values between Latin America and the United States.
“North American trade-union
organizations have systematically discriminated against the Christian
trade-union organizations and made them the object of humiliating
scorn. With respect to relations, we have always be granted just one
alternative: that we disappear as an organization and a reality so
that we might be absorbed by the trade-union organizations inspired,
promoted, and financed in Latin America by North American trade-union
organizations and the U.S. Government. There is not the slightest
respect for international pluralism. The idea is to monopolize
all in order to place it at the service of a formula, and of
interests and partial viewpoints of one single sector of the
democratic trade unionism of the two Americas-disavowing all the
other democratic trade-union organizations which are making their own
original efforts in Latin America.........We share with the North
American workers the Judeo-Christian ethic. Yet, despite this
spiritual communion and ethic, there is no systematique dialogue, nor
any system of relations based on dignified and fraternal solidarity.”
Emilio Màspero, 'Trade Unionism as an
Instrument of the Latin America Revolution' in 'Latin American
Radicalism', edited by I.L. Horowitz, J.de Castro and J.Gerassi,
Vintage Books, New York 1969. (page 207-231)
I wonder if there is now more respect
for trade union pluralism than before. In Europe we have experienced
that there is a lot of pressure from different social-democratic
oriented trade unions on social christian trade unions like for
example in Germany and Denmark by starting to deny even their formal
status of trade unions. It seems that the old Marxist slogan
'proletarians of all countries, unite! is still the main slogan for
many trade union leaders. Political pluralism and free market
competion are nowadays generally accepted but trade union pluralism
is still be seen as not desirable. Of course trade union unity is
used also as a way to defend old fashioned power monopoly.
As we can read Emilio Màspero was of "the old spiritual trade union school" like many other trade union leaders in
Europe and the rest of the world. Has this school had its days?
Are the social Christian values in today's world not of importance
anymore or on the contrary do we need them as an answer on a pure
materialistic view on mankind? Can we fight against social injustice,
social inequality, crime and corruption, consumerism and materialism
without spiritual values? To ask the question is answer it.
The year 1993 started with a WCL
mission to Albania. For the first time a representative of the
Italian ACLI joined the mission that as usually was headed by our
Polish vice- president Krzysztof Dowgiallo. I got no good memories of
this and other missions to Albania. Albania looked as a lost land in
everything. It was materially and spiritually destroyed by the
prolonged communist dictatorship of Enver Hoxha. As a result of his
ideological fundamentalism, Albania had been isolated for more than
40 years of Europe and the rest of the world. Already in 1948, Hoxha
broke with Tito's Yugoslavia and in 1953 after the death of Stalin,
he also broke with Russia. The only communist country Albania had
contact with, was Maoist China. Albania was the only Maoist country
in Europe.
The consequences of that isolation
could one see all around: poverty and disorder, dilapidated houses,
everything from poor quality. We had a conversation with Xheka Valer,
President of the "Independent Union of Trade Unions of Albania"
BSPSH, founded in 1991. The head office was a shabby building that
hardly was heated. Everyone walked with thick winter coats. The
office of Xheka was an empty room with an oversized desk, meant to
impress, not to work. The new union proved unstable. As a result of
infighting Xheka was put aside.We also visited the former
official Confederation of Trade Unions of Albania KSSH who had broken
in 1991 with its communist past as a party and state controlled trade
union. Their new president was Kastriot Muco.
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Albanian delegate from BSPSH (left) and his translator on the WCL seminar "World Confederation of Labour for New Trade Unionism after Communism" held in Budapest 1993. |
Likewise, during later missions the
contacts did not lead to lasting relationships. In 1995 we met
Minella Kureta president of The League of Albanian Autonomous Trade
Unions on the KGZE conference (an annual conference of social
Christian oriented trade unions from Central and Eastern Europe
organized with the help of EZA and EU financial means). The
Federation of European Miners invited to some of its events, Gezim
Kalaja, President of the Independent Trade Union of Miners and
Geologists of Albania. The European Organization of the WFCW
organized a mission to strengthen the contacts with the Albanian
trade union of workers in commercial sectors. Ultimately, none of
these trade unions became a member of the WCL or WCL related trade
union federations.
Another problem with the Albanian trade
unions was to determine what they really represented in the real
working world. Even field visits could not dispel the doubts about
that. However, we were able to see with our own eyes how bad the
situation was in the country. A wharf, where once seaworthy boats
were made, was almost deserted: work places that looked like huge
barns with broken roofs and windows, old rusty boats and a lot of spilled oil on the ground. The few workers who walked around asked
if I could look for a new Western owner so they had work again. I
asked Solidarnosc, with its experience with trade unions of the
Gdansk wharfs, if they could do something but it was hopeless.
A fertilizer plant proved to be a gift from China who had given it
away because it was outdated. I have no knowledge of chemical plants,
but you could see that this one was ready for demolition. The
surrounding areas were heavily polluted with chemical waste.
Enquiries showed that they knew nothing about chemistry and
environmental pollution. The few workers also asked me if I knew
someone in Western Europe that might be interested to buy the
factory (during my visit to Cuba in 2010, I saw the same situation in
a garment factory and a factory for large flowerpots. The same shabby
equipment and poor quality of the products).
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Gezim Kalaya, President of the Independent Trade Union of Miners & Geologists of Alabania. |
In a OECD report of 2002 the following
is said about the Albanian trade unions: “There are a
number of free trade unions in Albania. The two main trade union
groups are the Confederation of the Trade Unions of Alabania KSSH and
the Union of the Independent Trade Unions of Albania BSPSH. A third
union, the Independent Federation of Miners and Geologists,
is active but membership is low due to the decrease in the number of
individuals working in the mining industry. The Ministry of Labour
and Social Affairs reports that together the KSSH and BSPSH have
approximately 285,000 members, the trade unions have become
increasingly weak, and their influence is primarily limited to
state-owed companies.” ( “Anti-corruption Measures in SouthEastern Europe, Civili Society's involvement” page 25 and 26)
The most disappointing was that ACLI
did nothing to provide some follow-up to the Albania mission. Since it
was impossible to serve all the former communist countries in Central
and Eastern Europe from Brussels, I tried to link some new
organizations to a member organization of the WCL. At that time Italy
was the only country that knew the Albanians more or less. Many
Albanians looked during the communist dictatorship illegally to
Italian TV stations. It was their only window on the world. Some had
even learned to speak Italian by TV. But as I said, ACLI remained
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