Unlike the European trade unions, the
unions on the American continent don't have a common project similar
to the European Union. On the contrary, until recently CLAT was
convinced that the North American labor movement defended interests
opposed to those of Latin America. At the time of the Cold War the
AFL-CIO even placed the interests of the U.S. above the struggle for
democracy and social justice in Latin America by defending the
foreign policy of the US sometimes together with military
intervention (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Chile etc) and even
supporting dictatorships (Paragua, Nicaragua) . Has this been
changed since the end of the Cold War? Maybe nowadays the AFL-CIO
feels more connected with the Latin American trade union struggle for
democracy and social justice than before but the question remains
which model the AFL-CIO sees as the most appropriate for Latin
America? That of neo-liberal capitalism, which has indeed brought
much prosperity for North American workers, or the European model
with its social dialogue, its network of social and health services,
protection of the labor market etc.?
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez identified himself strongly with the Great Liberator Simon Bolivar (digital photo composition by Petrus) |
In this ongoing debate between the
northern and southern part of the American continent, which was
conducted by CLAT with a certain ferocity, the Twentieth-Century
Socialism of Venezuelan President Chavez sowed once again confusion.
Just then also died Emilio Maspero (2000), the man who had made CLAT
great with his intellectual power and energy. And if that was not
enough, shortly thereafter from Europe came the first rumours about a merger of
the WCL with the ICFTU. For CLAT General Secretary Eduardo Garcia,
who had become the successor of Emilio Maspero, it must have been
difficult times. How CLAT was going to continue without the WCL
because it became soon clear that particularly the Belgian ACV/CSC
was serious about the merger (under pressure from the Walloon side ).
Without WCL there would be no more international political and
financial backing for CLAT. The merger of WCL with ICFTU would
certainly lead to financial problems and that would be very bad at
all for CLAT with its headquarters and training and education center
UTAL in Venezuela, the very country of President Chavez.
The tragedy is, that despite the many
millions of dollars in aid from Europe during the last decennia, the
CLAT had not succeeded to become financially independent. There are
many causes for this. First of all the overall lack of political
stability in Latin America due to poverty , social injustice ,
undemocratic political leadership , unemployment , the place of the
military in the political system ( in some Latin American countries
the budget of the army is many times larger than for example of the
ministry of education or social services programs ), and so on. The
second cause is the inability of unions to develop a sound financial
policy. Solidarity is a commonly used word in Latin America, but it
appears very difficult to put it into practice. Besides, trade union
members feel more like a victim without self-esteem than people with
confidence in the future. Many trade unions promote this culture of "being
victim", not realizing that this undermines the confidence of their
own members. All this is reinforced by a widespread lack of trade
union democracy and transparency, whereby many trade unionists
distrust the trade union and do not see their own trade union as
their own responsibility. The consequence is that the payment of
trade union contribution is low and irregular.
Of course, CLAT also looked for other
financial sources than membership fees, to finance its budget. For an
international organization this is not easy . Nevertheless, with
foreign aid in the course of decades, many projects have been set up
, designed to make possible self-financing of CLAT. Many of these
projects failed, due to lack of entrepreneurial and management skills.
To lead succesfully a business requires other skills than leading a
union. For example, thanks to the support of the Dutch NOVIB , CLAT
had in the seventies its own printing company in Caracas, Venezuela .
Despite the support of two Dutch experts paid by the NOVIB, the
company had to be sold after some years . CLAT has also tried to
reduce the costs of UTAL by renting it to outsiders but also failed
to a large extent and had to knock back on the doors of European
On WCL Board Meetings Emilio Maspero
talked about opportunities to present projects in the various bodies
of the European Union to support the WCL and its regional
organizations, including CLAT . He spoke at one point even about the
golden mountains of the European Union. A misunderstanding that I
would have liked to make clear to him, but I believed this was a
matter of discussion to be led by WCL chairman Willy Peirens. As a member
of the Steering Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation
ETUC, he was well informed that the European Union was the domain par
excellence of the ETUC. Since WCL unions are a minority in the ETUC
it was hardly possible to make use of EU funds. In the framework of
the Phare-Tacis program repeatedly it has been tried to present projects
with the aim to build democratic unions in Ukraine and Belarus. But
one way or another, those WCL projects never met all bureaucratic
requirements . After being rejected two, three times, while others
less well–founded projects were approved , there was no other
choice but to give up.
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Left we see Arie Hordijk (1927-2010), former Secretary General of CNV Netherlands. he is one of the speakers inuring a protest against cutting back aid for development before the Dutch Parliament. In the middle Gerrit Pruim, Secretary of CNV Aktie Kom Over (changed to CNV Internationaal). The Dutch confederation CNV organized the protest. On the right you see as one of the speakers the Dutch politician Cor Kleisterlee.The other speaker was professor Jan Tinbergen, Nobelprize winner for his work on macro-economics. Hordijk together with CNV chairman Lanser played an important role in the transformation of the International Christian Trade Union Confederation (ICTUC) into the World Confederation of Labour (WCL). Based on personal experiences and meetings with trade union leaders in the Third World, they came to the conclusion that a purely Christian international had no future while religiously inspired unions do have. |
Indeed , the ACV/CSC was watching that
even the possibility of a conflict between the ETUC and WCL on
available European funds for the WCL or its regional members, should
be avoided. Thus, the WCL was not allowed to become a member of the
Christian Democratic oriented European Centre for Workers' Questions EZA (the work of EZA is supported financially by the European Union), despite
the request of the then new chairman Arie Hordijk, former General Secretary of the CNV ( a key member of WCL) and EZA General Secretary
Joachim Herudek. It was said that EZA was an unfair competitor of the European Trade Union Institute ETUI, the Research and Education Center of the ETUC. But to
my great surprise the WCL became member of EZA inmediately after the
arrival of General Secretary Willy Thys (former ACV/CSC Boardmember).
I can only imagine that this was possible because of a certain kind
of understanding with the ETUC on the future merger of WCL and ICFTU
. The pieces on the European chessboard were slowly pushed in the
direction of the merger between WCL and ICFTU while most WCL members
stood outside the game.
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Before his retirement Joachim Herudek was Secretary General of EZA. |
Curiously but appropriate in this
setting, was the prohibition of Willy Peirens to lobby at the
Christian- Democratic oriented European People 's Party EPP and
other Christian-Democratic personalities at high political positions.
Looking for financial support for the 23th WCL World Congress that
would be held in Mauritius in 1993, Carlos Custer and myself had a
conversation with Miet Smet, Christian-Democratic Minister of
Employment and Social Affairs in Belgium . During that time Belgium
had the Presidency of the European Union. Therefore Minister Miet
Smet was also President of the European Council of Ministers of
Labour. We believed she could give a financial hand to our
international seminar prior to the Congress by delivering one or more
speakers funded by the EU or some other kind of financial support.
The WCL president rejected our efforts declaring that the Minister of
Labor made life of ACV/CSC difficult. The argument that we spoke to
her as the President of the European Council of Ministers of Labor
and not as a Minister of Labor of Belgium, was not accepted.
In the same period I had a similar experience after a meeting with Leo Tindemans (1922-2013), former Belgian Prime Minister and former president of the Christian Democratic European People 's Party EPP . Although Leo Tindemans clearly demonstrated to be ready to establish contacts with the WCL , which he knew well from earlier times, WCL President Willy Peirens did not want to give a follow-up arguing that ACV/CSC had bad experiences with him on national policies. Again, the argument that Tindemans now is more a European than a Belgium politician was not accepted. Once again the WCL was blocked to develop contacts with one of the most powerful political parties in the European Parliament and the European Commission. I was wondering why this was happening because I was sure that ETUC and ICFTU officials maintained contacts with high ranking European Social-Democratic politicians. Also it was very frustrating that ACV/CSC representatives in the WCL Confederal Board insisted upon me as a confederal secretary for Europe, to lobby for more financial support for the WCL, but in practice I had no room for lobbying within the European Union. The result was that on European level the WCL became more and more a political orphan. How could the WCL survive in such conditions?
To be continued
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