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Minimum wage statistics, as published
by Eurostat,
refer to monthly national minimum wages. The national minimum wage
usually applies to all employees,
or at least to a large majority of employees in the country under
consideration. Minimum wages are gross amounts, that is, before the
deduction of income tax and social
security contributions; these deductions vary from country to
country. The national minimum wage is enforced by law, often after
consultation with social partners, or directly by national
intersectoral agreement.
As you can see on the map there are considerable differences in minimum wages between European countries. The highest established minimum wages you find in Luxemburg, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, all neighboring countries of Germany.The lowest minimum wages are in Eastern European countries where costs of living also are lower. In between those two groups are Spain, Portugal and Greece. Remarkable is the fact that Italy, Swiss and the Scandinavian countries with strong unions do not have such a minimum wage arrangement.
It looks that after years the Germans
wil get their national minimumwage. The establishment of this
minimumwage results from what is called in German “Die grosse
Koalition”, the grand coalition. It refers to the coalition between
the two big German parties the Christian democratic CDU/CSU and the
social-democratic SPD. It was the SPD that supported the proposal of
the German trade union confederation, the mighty DGB, to establish a minimum wage rate for all workers in Germany. Such a minimum wage rate should make an end to
what is called 'wage dumping', which would lead to modern slavery.
May be the word slavery is somewhat exaggerated but it is a fact that
in the modern developed German economy people need to work 60 of more
hours for having a decent standard of living.
Although the CDU/CSU from Gemany's
prime minister Angela Merkel won the elections without any problem,
it was not enough to govern alone. Because their preferred political
partner, the liberal party FDP, lost the elections Angela Merkel had
to look for another coalition partner. Based on only the election
figures, it was possible to create a left wing coalition existing of
the social democratic SPD, 'die Grünen' (the Greens) and 'die Linke' (the Left ) with a majority in the German Parliament. However, this
was only theory. The political divisions between these parties are to
big to make a stable political coalition for the next years. That is
why the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats were sentenced to
one another.
Because of the lack of a minimum wage
rate, Germany has become a so called 'low-wage country' in Europe.
Dutch and Danish companies are relocating to Germany, where, in
particular Polish workers and Eastern Europeans do the heavy and
dirty work in abattoirs, metalworking and cleaning companies. People
work for 2 to 5 euros per hour while just on the other side of the
border wages of 10 to 20 euros per hour are paid.
The lack of a fair minimum wage rate in
Germany leads to a lack of fair European competition. Germany
competes with other European economies by lower wages. German workers
and especially the migrant workers, who are coming from all corners
of the world, have to pay the price for a competive German economy by
making long working days and weeks and having a lower standard of
The level of the minimum wage rate that
is buzzing around in and outside Germany is an hourly wage rate of
8,50 Euro. Of course everybody who matters is discussing the question if
this is good or bad for Germany. As an export directed economy Germany has succeeded the last years to keep production costs low, compared to other European countries with the result that German
products are the best priced quality products on the European and
international market. Compete with Germany does not only mean to
produce high quality products but also low priced.
Some economists, some politicians and
of course a lot of employers fear that an established minimum wage
rate will be bad for Germany's export economy and therefore for the
whole German economy. Less export means less employment, so at the
end the unemployed will pay for the employment of the others.
However, others believe that a guaranteed minimum wage rate will
give an economic boost to Germany's internal market. Germans are by
nature cautious consumers. Because of the financial and economic
crisis the Germans are even more cautious by saving more than to
The last months Germany is even
critized by the US and the European Commission for not consuming
enough. The Commission recently announced to start an investigation
of Germany's internal market. The lack of demand of the internal
German market would limit the exports for other European countries
like for example Italy, Greece and Spain that are in desperate need
for a growing export economy. It is seen as not fair that the Germans
create wealth, without sharing it with other European economies. It is
said that the minimum wage rate could be the correct pulse for the
internal market that on its turn would help the other European
economies to restore.
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