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The seminar participants visited the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia in the city of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. |
The core bussiness of
trade unions is to protect workers on their workplace : about regular
and irregular working hours, appropriate wages, holidays, health and
safety conditions and a lot more. The best instrument to achieve
decent labour conditions is the “collective labour agreement”
(CLA). The CLA is a legal binding contract negotiated between one or
more trade unions and the company where the workers have their job
and who are represented by their unions. There are also CLA's on
branche level that cover all the workers in the same branche, like
for example in the textile industry or in the wood and construction
sector. In this way solidarity between workers in the same company is
extended to the workers in the same branche. There are also CLA's on
national level, which means it applies to all workers in one country.
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Executive Secretary Bjorn van Heusden listens to an intervention of Minka Residbegovic from Bosnia-Herzegovina. |
The CLA was the central
theme of the seminar organized by WOW in Belgrade, the capital of
Serbia, from 12 – 14 February, with the support of the Serbian trade union BOFOS, EZA and the
European Commission. The question is why in some European countries
most CLA's are on company level and in other countries the CLA 's
on branche level prevail. In many countries in Central and Eastern
Europe the branche-level CLA does not exist. Are laws and regulations
preventing branch level CLA's to be established as legal binding
contracts or are there other reasons?
During the seminar it
became clear that there are few branch-level CLA's in most Central
and Eastern European countries because the employers are not
organized. Without a representation of the employers in their own
sector it is impossible to come to a branch-level CLA. In many
countries it is even difficult to realise a company-level CLA. That
is also the reason why the Social Dialogue in most countries does not
work well. Without proper instruments to convert agreements into
practical policies on the different levels, the Social Dialogue
remains a theoretical exercise.
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From left to right: President Mara Erdelj of BOFOS in Serbia, Vice-President Vladislav Jevtovic of BOFOS and Stanica Sarcanski of BOFOS. |
On the other hand,
countries like Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Malta have a
well developed Social Dialogue because they have the instruments to
implement the Social Dialogue on practical level, that is to say on
company, sector or national level. Both employers organizations and
trade unions have a positive attitude towards the Social Dialogue
and the CLA's. For example CLA's on branche level guarantee that
competition on wage level is excluded. Employers have to compete on
other levels like for example productivity and new investments.
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From left to right: Adalbert Ewen, president of the German trade union CGM, Jesper Wengel, director of KRIFA and KRIFA President Soren Fibiger Olesen. |
During the seminar the
participants were confronted with quite the opposite in some
countries. For example in Serbia the employees of the French Credit
Agricole Bank are forced to sign a letter in which they declare not
to become a member of a trade union. The management does not even
take the trouble to answer letters of protest and declines any
request from BOFOSS, the Serbian Trade Union for the banking sector,
to have a meeting. It is obvious that Credit Agricole does not want
to come to a company-level CLA. No dialogue with the workers through
a trade union. This is the more remarkable because in France, where
the head office of Crédit Agricole is established, the Social
Dialogue and the CLA are very normal.
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Mikus Bozo (on the right) and Miroslav Cukovic of the Oil Industries Trade Union SING in Croatia. |
It is obvious that in
such circumstances the creation of a CLA on branch level is also
impossible unless the government starts to put pressure on the
management of the bank. Until now the Serbian Government has not
taken any initiative into that direction. It seems that the Serbian
Government wants a free market with minimal state intervention, what
we call these days a neo-liberal state.
The seminar made clear
that regarding the Social Dialogue there is a gap between the West
European countries and the countries of Central and East Europe.
Thanks to a well developed Social Dialogue in West European
countries, trade unions have the possibility to cooperate with
employers in looking for solutions which benefit both the employees
and the employers. Bargaining between trade unions and employers on
company and branch level are no longer small scale 'class struggles'
. This does not mean that there are no clashes between the two social
partners from time to time. But both sides understand that a
compromise has to be found.
Ike Wiersinga from the
Dutch CNV trade union for the services sector told enthusiastic about
her experiences with a new method of bargaining called 'cocreation'.
Cocreation is based on mutual trust between employer and employees,
equal relationship, mutual understanding and transparant
communications. Cocreation exists of 4 steps:
1. Exploration by a
team of cocreators of both sides, an independent chairman or woman
and preparation of the themes.
2. The creation of a
survey by experts and/or working groups on the labour situation in
the company, gathering of knowledge and facts, comparing the
situation with other companies, the creation of discussion groups of
employees and the establishment of an overall coordination group.
3. Decisionmaking must
be build on advices from the theme-groups, one must decide what is
shared by both sides and about what differences one must negotiate,
one should clearly define interests, one must organize meetings with
employees so they can give their opinions, and at the end there
should be trade union voting on the final proposals.
4. Afterwards the
results are evaluated monthly by employers and trade unions. Trade
unions evaluate also if this method leads to more trade union
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